Overwrite formula's results and permanently delete the formula?
Overwrite column with new data type?
Check values, all string data did not convert to numeric.
Time format did not match input, possible translation error.
Overwrite previous data ?
Additional memory required to complete, Disable all undos?
Save this file before closing?
This operation cannot be undone. Continue anyway?
Reducing the sheet to this size will irreversibly delete rows containing static (user-entered) data. Continue anyway?
Reducing the sheet to this size will irreversibly delete columns containing data. Continue anyway?
Cannot recode/transform data onto itself.
Overwrite this column with alphanumeric format?
Overwrite this column's data with formula's results?
Modifying a subscriber's data will permanently break the subscriber's link to its edition. Continue anyway?
This file contains publishers and subscribers which are specific to System 7. If you save this document under the current system, these items will be lost.
With the current selections, the results would overwrite the source data column.
Please select a different destination column or fewer transform operations.